Monday, August 24, 2015

Garden Workshop at Palisades Library

Last Saturday we held a garden workshop for children at the library. Fifteen kids from age 3 to 16 attended along with their parents. The parents got two handouts: a list of what to plant in August and September from the Master Gardeners and a back to school newsletter from Jessica Siegel of Gelson's.

Part One. After asking the attendees about their favorite vegetables we introduced the concept of warm season and cool season vegetables and showed examples. We highlighted tomatoes and zucchini as examples of warm season vegetables. Lettuce, kale, broccoli, carrots and sugar snap peas were the cool season vegetables which we displayed. After this part of the program, children sampled tomatoes, broccoli and sugar snap peas.

Part Two. The children planted seeds of cool season vegetables in biodegradable pots. They first filled a pot with seedling mix and then chose seeds to plant which included carrots, kale, arugula, broccoli, lettuce and sugar snap peas. They then misted the pot with water. They were to soak the pot in water and then keep the soil moist once they got home.

Part Three. Each child chose either a kale seedling or a sugar snap pea seedling to take home and plant.

Thanks to Amalia, Karen and Ella for volunteering to assist in the workshop.

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